As the new year begins, wee all have great expectations and we look forward to new opportunities and some times they go through while in other times they don’t. in most cases we dwell more on what has not happened and we forget to thank God...
“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” Princess Diana. Christmas is about giving and showing love and kindness to those in vulnerable situations like...
Welcome to the 8th Month of the year and as we start our journey, I have a question for you. Do you always postpone things? “I will do the report later, I still have time and then you work on it on the last day to beat the deadline. I will...
It’s been a minute, but I have been facing life and AI has put everything into words for me to share with you.Life, a whirlwind of joy and struggles, is an exquisite masterpiece that continues to amaze and challenge us every step of the way...
Some highlights from on of our giving in MAY THE GENESIS In December 2018 I felt heavily convicted to give a standard Christmas meal to a few vulnerable families whom were child headed and those those that were headed by the single mothers. The...
When was the last time you took a break from your daily routines, go for a trip, a holiday, a movie, have Me time, zone one somewhere and think nothing but your happy place? It is a simple question for you to reflect and act accordingly. I am asking...
East West Management Institute- EWMI began the implementation of Uganda Civil Society Strengthening Activity (CSSA), funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented in partnership with International Center...
May being my birth month I had only 4 major activities planned, feeding the vulnerable people in Kimombasa Bwaise (Love in Action), advocacy work on teenage mothers going back to school and running the menstrual Hygiene campaign online while...
Bwaise is a densily populated slum and flood prone Bwaise is one of the poorest slum areas in the city of Kampala, Uganda. The fastest population growth has resulted in encroachment on the wetlands, the construction of unplanned buildings, and poor...
Entering the Resthouse auditorium, the atmosphere was different, the auditorium was full and I being a Christian event organizer I know too well how most Christians don’t like paying for events but seeing what was happening I knew this one was a...