As the new year begins, wee all have great expectations and we look forward to new opportunities and some times they go through while in other times they don’t. in most cases we dwell more on what has not happened and we forget to thank God and be grateful for what happened but also for the surprises that happens along the year. I here to say I am grate for 2023, for the good and lessons learned.
Gratitude is a positive response to experiencing God’s goodness and grace. In other words, once you realize that God is working in your life, you’ll show gratefulness in how you live. Philippians 4:11–12; Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.
Volunteering in the Auditorium: If anyone told me that I would be an Usher at church, I would tell them that you are joking or it is impossible because all my life, my interests in serving have been in media or communications when it comes to serving God in church. Listening to the Holy Spirit, I took a leap of faith this year and joining the Ushers in the auditorium at Watoto church and it has been fulfilling experience that I won’t let go. I have Learned alot and made people smile which always brings joy to my life.
Meaningful friendships: God blessed me with friends that have literally carried me through 2023. Three of my friends stood out for me and I wont mention their names here. With out his financial support, I would have failed with year, when I was almost giving up on something that I thought didn’t matter anymore, she urged me to stay and I thank God that I listened because my life is now stable because of this decision. I call her sister because she listens to everything I say and never complains, when she got good things, she shared. I am thankful to God because of meaningful relationships.
Course completion: I completed four courses this year, M&E post graduate at UMI, Civic Engagement course from Georgia University, Adventure in God’s Word and Growing in prayer from Watoto church. All these courses have helped me to grow in knowledge and wisdom in both Spirituality and career.
SYRADO: My life purpose and passion is to see youth and women get out of poverty and SYRADO is the vehicle through which this is achieved. It keeps me awake at night and gives me strength to persevere. community change and transformation, doesn’t happen overnight but slowly by slowly slums will turn into cities. Now if your purpose doesn’t scare you, then you need to rethink it. This year I was called slum girl many times but I am waiting for a day I will be called city girl. I am enjoying the process and the journey whether rough os smooth.
Finishing the Bible: This year I set a goal that I always failed to achieve every year but thanks to TIK TOK, this year I finished the book before 365 days ended. From Genesis to Revelation. All by the Grace of God.
Meaningful groups and networks: These have supported me to grow and keep my mental health in check because of different activities we engage in. True Worshippers Generation for worship missions, Home Cell for meaningful networks and growing in the word. Proverbs 31 for events and gift sharing. Peculiar ladies and investments has facilited my investment growth. Sisterhood has been an all round group and gives my life meaning with a lot of learning.
Mentorship: I am supper grateful to my three mentors that have imparted wisdom and knowledge in my life. I treasure mentoring and being mentored. Having accountability partners keeps me in check and they have always showed up whether I like it or not.
Lows: All the above are highs but 2023 also had a lot of lows which I have pushed away but learned from. The challenges I faced made me a better friend, a better christian, a better leader, a better sister, better volunteer, better employer, better employee and a better daughter. Challenges come to sharpen us or even prepare us to the better days a head. I am a believer and an optimist.
What a year 2023! has been, lets prayer for 2024. My next blog will be on 31st as write the new years resolution, what do you consider when writing them? Also use the comment section to write what you are grateful for as we end 2023.