“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart…I’ll always be with you.”A.A. Milne
It is exactly three months since corona virus attacked the whole world on a large scale and we have been living with it sine then. It came with lots of deaths which truck fear on the entire human race. In some countries it killed 10 thousand a day while in others like Uganda, we are simply lucky that over 700 people have be diagonised with the disease but no one has died. so we have a reason to thank God more than ever before. Despite the fact that the pandepic is still around, people have found ways to cope and stay safe.
As Jesus said, “the poor will always be among us”. This time is harder than before simply because most poor people were casual laborers and now that thay are not working at all, they are looking at the government for food to survive and if they do not get it, they fear that they will starve to death but thanks be to God because no one has died due to hunger during this lockdown. This is because most humans have taken it upon themselves to help those in need, this includes individuals, corporate companies, NGOs and churches. Love is not seen through words but actions which your needy neighbour requires now. Giving the needy among us has showed that human beings have love for one another which has helped us to stay strong together and avoid starvation that would have led to death. So if you see any one strugling in your community please help them. Don’t leave them to die alone, we need one another to fight corona virus and its effects
In my culture it was known that only thieves worn masks but due to corona virus everyone leaving his or her house is mandated to wear a mask so as to stay safe. This is hard in real life but as I said before this is not real life it is the new life and we have to embrace it without failure because of we don’t we risk our health. This new normal is making us adappt to somethings that normally would be for thieves like masks but now it is acceptable in every culture and even when you don’t want to wear it you have too due to the fact that you need to remain health. I am not saying it has been easy, I am saying that we have proved that we are stronger ready to overcome every obstacle that comes our way even it means wearing masks.
Trust me some people like some men I knew they would take a week without puting anything like water on their bodies but the new normal requires washing regularly and they have no choice but to do it to avoid getting corona virus. Some of us have issues with alcohol smell but some of the sanitizers have 80% alcohol content and you walk into an organisationa and it is what they are usung and you have no choice but to use it. Normally, trust me, I would never but I need to stay health free from COVID19 so I use it anyway and then I am allowed inside the organisation I do my business and get out without inconviniencing or risking anyone’s life. Cleaniliness is next to godliness and Corona virus has proved it. Stay clean and stay health. This makes us stronger than we think since change is hard but we are managing slowly by slowly.
All the regulations and guidlines by WHO, Government, and Ministry of Health are put in place to help us to stay health free from COVID19 and you need to follow them. I know some are hard but the stronger you, can handle it. You can watch your football matches from home and still enjoy it. Go early home by 7pm and enjoy memorable moments with your family which normally you wouldn’t because you stay out late and find them sleeping.
Some people find it hard to sit on their TVs or internet and pray instead they watch like as if they are watching a show or a movie. My friend you need to participate in these online prayers. If it is time to sing you should sing along, if it is time to pray, pray along, time to read the word, read your bible too and if it is time to give, give just like you would have done it in church normally. I know we are stronger enough to handle that too.