Come with me as we reflect on the year gone by so that we can welcome the New Year with Open Arms. As the year draws to a close, we find ourselves in a reflective mood, looking back at the milestones we’ve achieved, the challenges we’ve...
“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” Princess Diana. Christmas is about giving and showing love and kindness to those in vulnerable situations like...
When was the last time you took a break from your daily routines, go for a trip, a holiday, a movie, have Me time, zone one somewhere and think nothing but your happy place? It is a simple question for you to reflect and act accordingly. I am asking...
May being my birth month I had only 4 major activities planned, feeding the vulnerable people in Kimombasa Bwaise (Love in Action), advocacy work on teenage mothers going back to school and running the menstrual Hygiene campaign online while...
Bwaise is a densily populated slum and flood prone Bwaise is one of the poorest slum areas in the city of Kampala, Uganda. The fastest population growth has resulted in encroachment on the wetlands, the construction of unplanned buildings, and poor...
Knowledge is power they say, and I am here to affirm that it is true. You have power over anything that threatens your life. What is it that frightens you? Mention it and find possible solutions to it. It is good to know what you are against, only...
Everything we do on this planet earth is a choice. You choose what to do or not to do, what to think and what to say? The only question you need to ask yourself is why? Why do you think, say or do what you do? Remember, our choice informs our...
Hey you! How are you? I mean the real you, not the one you portray or you put out for people to see but YOU. Let me ask you again, How are you really? The You that only you and God know, How is SHE/ HE doing? The answer is not fine simply because...