Most times words fail me when I think about my past, present and future. How did I get here? What did I do to deserve all this? My love loved and loves me, I answer myself. Not because of anything I have done or will do but because of His unconditional love.
Each and everyday I wonder what I would have become if God didn’t pick me up from the village where my life seemed to have ended and brought me to Kampala to begin another chapter that would open my mind and broaden my understanding to question my purpose and work towards it.
Today I celebrate yet another year added to me and I couldn’t thank the Giver of life more. Not just because He has given me the gift of life but because He has made my life meaningful. He picked me up from the pit, moulded me nicely and set me up for success as far as my purpose in life is concerned. He connected me with the right network and put different human Angels in my path. Working with adolescent girls and young women in the slums has not only given my life meaning but also gave me a reason to live. I will continue to render my service to God as He leads me. He is the creator after all and I am just the creature. May His will be done.
My favorite verse in the bible is found in the Book of Philippians 4:13 I CAN DO ALL THIBGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME. This verse saw me through every obstacle I encountered and the Lord fought for me every battle that I encountered, I encounter and I will encounter because He said It is finished. Nothing happens by accident and all things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according to His Purpose. I cannot praise myself or my friends or the people who have helped me along the way, it has only been God from day one.
I have always believed the report of the Lord, not what people say about me or what my mirror tells me. None of that matters. People’s negative words are just noise to me. I serve the King of kings and the Lord of Lords thus making me His Princess. He has the ability to change any thing amd everything, then why should I worry ?
I am a believer and His Grace is the one that gives me victory. Today I want to encourage you that no situation is permanent. Stop comparing yourself to others. Just know that the paths to success are also different. Every journey leads to a given destination, walk your journey and trust the process, you will surely arrive to your destination. You were created unique and for a purpose. Stop being a follower all the time, start setting trends and let others follow, remember you are the head and not the tail. Let your mistakes become lessons not regrets because regrets bring self doubt and self condemnation which may result into low self esteem, judgment, stress and depression, etc. All those are enemies of progress. Just be you and most importantly know that you are Loved by your creator.
Father in the name of Jesus Christ May this new year come with all the blessings that the enemy had stolen. Let’s this year be a year of restoration, healing and jubilation in Jesus’ name . Let everyone feeling unloved find comfort in your loving arms in Jesus name I have prayed, Amen.
Happy birthday Princess Rossette