“In today’s environment, hoarding knowledge ultimately erodes your power. If you know something very important, the way to get power is by actually sharing it.”― Joseph Badaracco. I have always done the above by equipping the slum youths with hands-on skills and life skills knowledge through SYRADO Uganda and sharing what I know to the public through Blogs. I follow the example of great minds and I really want to share with you this, as we start the decade, plan to learn something new. I know how important it is to add a skill to what you already know and that is possibly why I am sharing this with you. If getting a new skill is not in your new year’s resolution, I urge you to include it for your own good.
In the words of Ronald E. Osborn, “Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.” This is exactly what I am trying to bring to your attention, my dear. I know your reading this and you are saying, I am bored, what is she talking about? Does she even know how hard it is?
If you have been following my blogs, you know that I don’t write anything that I have not lived, done or experienced and if I can do it, really, you possibly can do it. Now as Digital Marketing Manager, there is a skill that I lack and I have always missed opportunities because of lack of it and well last year I purposed to learn it but I never got the opportunity but as I always say, never give up on your dreams until you achieve them.
Today I fulfilled my dream and registered as a student of Graphics design at Greenbridge School of Open Technologies. The first step to achieving your dreams is always taking a leap of faith and step into the unknown. As usual, I told God about my intention and told Him about school fees and all the nitty-gritty this course will require which seems difficult to me and what was needed for me to succeed at this and He simply got excited about it, so I did it. You may ask how did you know God was excited about it? Well, it is about having an intimate relationship with Him and telling him everything that concerns you before making any decisions and trust me on this, you won’t regret it because you are sure that, you will automatically succeed.
So, the last time I was in class studying was in April 2016, which means it has been 3 years since I was in a classroom setting so, this was all new to me but this doesn’t mean that I have not learned anything new since I graduated from the University, on the contrary, I have been studying online and one of the certificates I attained in 2019 was Google Certificate in Digital Marketing. I am proud to say that I am among the few Ugandans or Africans who are certified by Google as Digital Marketeers after studying the fundamentals skills for digital marketing for Africa. I know my way around the different terminologies of the digital marketing world. I have also learned different skills like web designing among others so in summary I totally love Knowledge.
For the next three months, I will be a student of GreenBridge School of Open Technologies and when you see me after this, my blog will be visual and attractive and I am assured of new opportunities and new doors opening. I AM PROPHESYING here people, of what I would like to see after this so that you also think the same. I am not saying you learn Graphics Designing, I am saying that you learn a skill this year, something that you love to do which is hands-on where you can live as a self-employed individual, that even if you lost your job today, you will be able to maintain your lifestyle, or maybe that skill will help you to get a promotion you have been longing for or maybe it will launch you into the self-employment that you have only dreamed about, or maybe it is what you need to take your business to the next level. The idea is, Learn a new skill this year.
Please feel free to comment on which skill you would like to get this year and the plans you have laid out to get it and I will get back to you.
#BeMore #BeAuthentic #SeekKnowledge #LearnASkill