Uganda for years has been among countries with high corruption cases and ranks high among the most corrupt of the world. This deters development from many angles that, unless we punish and commit to sweep out this vice, the realization of Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) will remain as beautiful target on paper. The poor have united and embraced the various poverty eradication programmes, however, most of what is meant for them develops legs as it were, and takes another path while the rightful recipients get crumbs.
COVID-19 also has exposed many people who are corrupt and most of them have recieved money to be used for helping the vulnerable people but they ended pocking the money. Most of them have built houses, enelarged their businesses and got involved in many ventures to benefit themselves and their families leaving the poor to suffer the after effects of Corona Virus. This has to change, we can not sit back and let this happen under our noses. We have the obligation the speak up and speak out. Acorrupt free country begins with you.
For the past three weeks the youths took it on the socials to express themselves of what they felt regarding this #Kansuneko syndrrome that is sinking our country on a daily. I have compiled some of their views but I urgue you to punch in #Kansuneko in your search engine to get the full glimpse of what they talked about. Also have your say on corruption in Uganda or your country.
“Can We Join The Global Fight To Frustrate Conditions That Encourage Corruption Even Where Governance Structures And Processes Are Weak? Can We Frustrate Conditions Like Incentives That Encourage Citizens To Engage In Corrupt Transactions? Corruption Wastes Tax Payers Money/Resources Intended For Community Development. It Makes Citizens Put Up With Poor Quality Services Which In The Long Run Makes Everyone Miss Out. Think Of It Corruption Not Only Costs Us In Terms Of Money, It Also Costs Us In Terms Of Public Trust And Citizens’ Willingness To Participate In Their Societies. Citizenry Gets Discouraged To Develop Their Communities Due To #Kansuneko (Corruption). It Is Our Responsibility To Report And Fight Corruption In Every Way Possible. One Of The Faces Of The Corruption Monster Is Manipulation Which Often Shows Up In Multiple Ways! The Bully (Manipulator) Makes You Feel Fearful And Might Use Aggression, Threats And Intimidation To Control You. If A Favor Has Strings Attached, That Right There Is Manipulation. Refuse To Be Manipulated!” Tweeted one @philKajo.
This is Kickback as a form of corruption in a pic! The bribe receiver negotiates how much money they will accept for the service, job or task and is therefore given an advance payment for it’. @JcLabelUg
Kickbacks make goods and services expensive and not affordable to many. Kansuneko is a pain that must be stopped. Arise Uganda. The fight is one. “He that hasteth to be rich hath an evil eye, and considereth not that poverty shall come upon him. Proverbs 28:22” corruption had its own reward, it may delay but will certainly come. #Kansuneko @Juliet_Namukasa
Everyone needs to say no to corruption. A corruption free world begins with you. Alina ekinene, owakatono muleke naye yeyagale, tokamujjaako! @ElizabethNakakone
How many lives whose dreams have been terminated? On the other hand how many of our policies have been flashed down the drain coz of this one vice of corruption.
Shall we rise and stand against this #Kansuneko. Mother and child will have endure this kind of work simply to earn something to sustain them through however if you and I rally behind our poet’s voice @juliet_namukasa probably there can be a glimpse of hope to shut out this vice #Kansuneko. Since the electoral fraud varies from country to country, this is part of what happens in this whole process, that votes’ shredding/trashing where votes are destroyed just to lower the numbers of probably the would win candidate. #Kansuneko is part of the whole equation. Wishing good for everyone and living selflessly In all honesty and utmost integrity can surely make this country a better place to live in and the world at large. No ounces of oppression from corrupt tendencies. The energy source of corruption makes the battle a tighter one but we will equally tighten the braces of the fight against this vice. @AndyWalkerUG
Corruption leads to uneven distribution of wealth as small business face unfair competition from large companies that have established illegal connections with government officials. In a corrupt economy, resources are inefficiently allocated and companies that otherwise would not be qualified to win government contracts. Embezzlement takes place when a person uses funds for different purposes than they were intended to be used. Beyond theft of public resource, corruption tendencies are manifested in different forms the rich still play big role in using their money to victims the poor because they can always bribe and get away with the law. Free and fair elections are the cornerstone of modern democratic governments. However many new and low -income democracies like Uganda suffer from institutional weakness which foster corruption. The gap between the rich and the poor has widen at an alarming rate in Uganda. The rich are becoming richer and the poor are becoming poorer @HappinessViola
Corruption erodes trust, weakens democracy, hampers economic development and further exacerbates inequality, poverty, social division and the environmental crisis. Corruption destroys the legitimacy of the state. Corruption delays, distorts and diverts economic growth. It comes in a variety of forms, and while no two countries are alike, there are common dilemmas for all to see. Among the most common causes of corruption are the political and economic environment, professional ethics and morality and, of course, habits, customs, tradition. @MeronChill
Protest events are a way for citizens and groups to come together in public to show large scale support for or opposition to a particular issue. Protests matches, demonstrations and rallies can be a powerful tool for anti-corruption campaigners. A petition is a collection of signatures from people supporting a cause. That petition is then presented to decision makers like Government or education officials that have the power to create the change you want. We could use one on corruption. @SendrewY
The wonderful Poet Juliet Namukasa composed the best poem entitled Kansuneko to air out her views on Corruption which is a must listen,
Ending Corruption starts with me and you.
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This is a great writeup