Without Hope people become hopeless and when this happens they start looking like zombies. They completely become dead men or women walking. Having something to look towards to, gives you the strength to live and survive everything that is thrown at you. Hope gives you wings to fly

Today I had a normal day like any other day but I kept wondering, what makes everyone who they are? Why do people wake up early in the morning and do what they do? What is the driving force behind it all.

In the evening, I go to capital shoppers Ntinda where my friend Flavia was kind enough to drop me. I did my shopping for Easter and as shop attendant packed my goods in the different white “Buvera” I realized they were too many and rode the trolley and left the counter, I wondered how I was going to get home.

Luckily enough as I got to the door I found a nice guy at the Custer care point whom I requested to pack my many packs into one box because I found him doing it for another customer and he simply said it was cool. He packed everything in one box and only a handful remained which were easier to carry.

He carried the box back into the trolley and I put what had remained, tipped him for his kindness and headed towards the door . I handed over the receipt at the check point and I was cleared to go. When I got out , there was a guy who wanted to help me with my trolley but I declined.

When moving to the parking lot I wondered why there were so many cars but none was mine and I told God I really needed a car. I was lost in my thoughts when another guy came and asked, “where is your car? Let me help you to take your things there”. I got back to reality and told him I have no car but was wondering why the parking is full but none of those cars are mine.

This guys answer amused me as he walked away with my trolley full of my things . He said EVERYTHING HAS IT’S TIMING. I followed him reluctantly wanting to hear what else he had to say. He continued saying, you have to keep toiling and never give up at any cost, one day, I mean one day things will work out and all your sweat will be paid off.

I got more interested in what he had to say and he kept talking as he called for me a boda boda. He is part of security at the parking lot of the city but hope is keeping him alive. He ain’t looking at the situation now, he is looking at what will happen in the future if he keeps working hard. Hope keeps him alive and gives him the strength to keep pushing.

I encourage everyone reading this to dream and dream big, get your plans drawn on how you you will achieve them. Have hope and this will keep your dreams alive. My hope is found in Jesus Christ whom I know overcame and because of that, I will overcome too. What are you hopeful for and where is your hope at? Push away all the negativity and move forward to the next level where you want to go. Let’s keep the hope alive. I am super glad I went to capital shoppers today and met that security guy, he revived my hope.