For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
John 3:16-17 KJV

I for one can not even try to think about dying in place of someone else but Jesus died for the whole world and because we are many the pain and torment was tripled. What kind of love is this that the Lord my King had to die in my place.
I have been wondering why the king of kings would leave his comfort and come down to earth, take on the human form and be born not in the palace but a manger. He did not go to Mars or Jupiter or any of other planets but He chose Earth because humans His most treasured possession lives there. I am so happy to be part of His beloved.

I want you to think about the awful death that He endured just to save you and me. Isn’t that wonderful? We lose our loved ones on a daily and we cry and talk all types of things but we can never be buried with them or die in their place. But He died in our place, the cross was ours to carry and it was us to die but because we had sinned and falled short of God’s glory but He loved us so much and He wouldn’t let us go through it, so he died on our behalf. The good news is He rose from the dead.

All God wants is a relationship with him and as we enjoy this easter remember that Love is the reason and let’s learn to love one another as Jesus commanded us. I understood that loving others is away of telling God that I may not do or love like him but I will do my best.
Let me tell you a little story; If it was’t for God, I would be dead and buried right now but He has wonderful plans for me, to prosper me and not to harm me, to give me a hope and a future. When I finished my primary Seven, was told I couldn’t go to secondary school and me being so clever and coming in first grade in a UPE village school, I knew I was so much more but I had no idea on how to change the fate that my uncle had planned for me . When I say there is a God above who loves me dearly, I mean it . It took a simple call from my step brother to bring me to Kampala and God used strangers to help me study. I can not say the rest is history. The road may not have been smooth but the landing was awesome.

Some one recently asked me why I am called Princess. Do you by any chance come from the royal family in Tooro kingdom? I told him, better, I am a daughter of the king of kings which made me royal before I was even born thus a princess. My father loves me more than anything. Not because of anything I do but because I am His special creation. He loves you too more than you can ever imagine.
If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, now is the time. He died for you because He first loved you, even now He loves you. Try him today and your life will be changed forever. Happy Easter