“We are in a season where the Father is seeking true worshippers who will worship the Father in truth and in spirit. For God is Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in truth and in spirit (John 4:23). This is worship that exhibits full of intimacy with God and not where the children of God sing about an unknown God in their melodies. The Lord is on a mission to restore and rebuild the altars of worship and He is looking for Worship leaders that speak and sing the mind and heart of God. In order to experience an encounter with God as a Worship leader, your heart, your mind [will, emotions, thoughts, affections] and your spirit must be aligned with the heart of God,” said Dr. Victoria.

When you meet Dr. Victoria K Kanobe, you might think she is your next-door neighbor, she is what you call a humble soul that doesn’t front the titles she possesses. This lady is the definition of transformed, spirit-filled Christian, she treats all people equal and she sees Spiritual eyes. what strikes me the most about her is the joy that she has in the lord, her passion for praise and worship, she loves people and wants to bring out the best in everyone. Her mentorship mentality has seen her mentor many young ladies and church choirs throughout the country of Uganda through WORSHIP LEADERS’ SUMMITS where over 5,000 worshippers have been trained in TRUE WORSHIP in different conferences carried out in different parts of the country. I can go on and on about her because she inspires me but the reason I am writing a blog bout, Dr. Victoria, today is to let you know that she has published a new book which you should read if you yearn to grow in praise and worship in everyday life.

About Dr. Victoria
Dr. Kanobe Victoria Kisaakye was born in Kampala but grew up in Masaka. She went to Kimaanya Blessed Primary School, Kako Secondary School, Makerere University, Memorial University in Canada, Jomo Kenyatta University of Science and Technology in Kenya. She has a Doctorate of Philosophy in Education (Majoring in Health Education), Masters of Science Degree in Public Health, Masters of Education Degree in Curriculum Design, Teaching, and Media, A Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Science, Bachelor of Science Degree in Education majoring in Chemistry and Biology. She has been a worship leader since 1989 while in lower secondary school up to now, so that makes it 30 years. she has been married for 18 years to Dr. Fredrick Kanobe and is a mother of four children, Faith Kanobe, Joy Kanobe, Joshua Kanobe, and Josiah Kanobe.

She is not new to the writing scene as she has already written over 50 other books, teaching guides, and course as a curriculum developer. She is a researcher and journal publisher. A motivational speaker, a songwriter, a preacher, and a mentor to many young people.
What inspires Her to write Praise and worship books
- The books are inspired by the desire to share and provide guidance to the worship leaders and worship teams that have been struggling not only to understand the basic principles of leading praise and worship but more so to unlock the power of God through prophetic worship.
- Many people kept on asking me to teach them how to lead others to worship God in truth and in spirit because they lacked mentorship.
- I was also noticing that in many worship teams, some P&W leaders had been chosen not on the basis of having been called by God as worship leaders, but because of their great voices. Their nominations into this position had been based on talent and art forgetting that the goal of praise and worship is for the glory of God—and not excellence.
- Lastly, there are many things that have gone wrong in today’s worship services. The church has been invaded with performances and dance styles that leave you wondering as to whether God is still the center of our worship or not. Service leaders are too mindful of the time they are supposed to spend in the presence of God and don’t want totally any longer to have fellowship with God. We also have some many worship leaders that are some much in the tune of their musical instruments but less in tune with what the Holy Spirit is saying while others don’t even know where they are taking

Her first Praise and Worship book is called Ascending Into Prophetic Worship which she launched two years ago at the Imperial Royale Hotel in Kampala Uganda. This book is a wonderful guide that provides practical tips on how to prepare for praise and worship, understand the power behind prophetic worship, and how to activate the very presence of God for spiritual freedom during worship. It is a must-read for every worship leader for its intended to open their spiritual eyes and transform their lives so that they transcend into a deep, intimate adoration of God.

Dr. Victoria Remarks That: There is an immense hunger amongst the children of God to meet God and have a close relationship with Him during praise and worship. Many come to church with broken hearts, in need of deliverance, feeling depressed, anxious and in need of their strength to be renewed. Worship leaders are expected to prepare the people for a systematic way of approaching God, led by the Spirit of God in order to make room for God’s voice and manifestation of His presence among us. When the shekinah presence, or the glory of the Lord, comes to rest in our meetings during worship, the gifts of the Spirit become evident in increased measure. These include gifts of healing and deliverance, of salvation and breaking of bondages, of prophetic words and words of knowledge, of miracles and demonstrations of his power. If our praise and worship in our church doesn’t take us to these levels then we need to go back and search for the ancient paths and principles that are prescribed in the book.
The Second Praise and Worship book
Title: A Worship Leader’s Encounter with God

Sub Title: Experiencing the Supernatural that Transforms Your Calling
This book has been written for that Worship leader that desires and is willing to pay the price to experience a true encounter of the Lord’s presence so that they can, in turn, lead others to experience similar encounters during praise and worship services.
It has been written specifically for the children of God who have been appointed or desire to be like the ‘Sons of Asaph’ (1 Chronicles 25: 1-3) to prophesy [reveal the mysteries of God] and speak the oracles of God with musical instruments as they lead praise and worship in their congregations. The chapters in this book reposition a Worship leader into a place where they can experience the transformative power of God as they encounter Him through total dedication, first in their personal lives and even as they lead others into praise and worship.

Having held over 11 Worship Leaders’ Summit, she noticed that Worship leaders and Musicians attending these summits kept on asking so many questions about the essence of worship, why and how we worship, and more so, the roles and responsibilities of Worship leaders in a worship service. It was also noticed that within the workshops we had had with many Pastors on the same subject, not all of them had been investing their time to mentor their worship teams to excel in their calling. They forgot that this ministry is so crucial in our lives as there is no Sunday service that takes place without a praise and worship session.
In many teams Worship leaders and Musicians, you could see a yearning to know more about praise and worship, given that many had been called into this ministry yet many had no clue about their calling while others had never had a personal encounter with the God they serve. As the saying goes, it so hard to lead people to a place you have never been too; it is equally hard to lead people to a God you have never known.
During one of the worship leaders’ summits held in Kampala

Note that the author of these books is an anointed worshipper and a mentor to many including Pastors. She has sold out her life to lead and teach others about unlocking the transformative power of God through praise and worship. She is an inspiration to me and the body of Christ when she leads praise and worship.