“What sets you apart can sometimes feel like a burden and it’s not. And a lot of the time, it’s what makes you great.” — Emma Stone. …
Someone recently asked me, “How can one be different in this generation where everyone strives to be the same?”
“You definitely can”, I sad, you were created unique and for a special purpose. Pr. Joel Osteen always says, “everyone was designed to be different and that’s what makes them great”. If you want to be great and relevant, be different. When you fail to stand in your to stand in your position, sadly no one else will and that will create a gap which only you can fill. This is why it is important to embrace your uniqueness and stand to be counted.
MENTORS: Trying to be like someone else kills your individuality. I am not saying that you should not have mentors or role models, no my friend, what I am saying is that learn from them but dont be like them. Let your mentor teach you to be better you, be the best at what you do but dont be a reflection of them. Admire them and make sure you are not losing yourself in them but your being the best version of you because of their influence.
Personality test. I hope by now you have taken a personality test and you clearly understand what kind of person you are. If you have not please do, this will help you to understand yourself better thus making the best version of you. You will know your strength and weaknesses and on how to tread on your strengths in order to thrive in life.
Understanding you: Unless you fully understand who you really are, you can not be different. What sets the people you admire apart is that they understood themselves and knew what works out for them. When you know your weaknesses and work upon them daily, you will overcome them. You will soar and excel not only in businesses but also in life and relationships. You won’t let people define you but you will define yourself and portray to people what you want them to see.
Purpose: Each person in the world is not here by accident, God designed each one of us and sent us here on earth for a special purpose. We are uniquely designed for a special assignment, call it purpose. Unless you choose to be different as you are supposed to be, you can not live your full potential. When you know who you are, you will know your good side and bad side, most importantly what makes you smile and brings you joy when you do it. That is your purpose my friend. As I always say, you have not fully lived unless you understand and live by your purpose.
Quite trying to be like everyone else: Dear you, you are not everyone else even if you try to be Kim Kardashian, you will never be Kim because there is no photocopy of her . See for example identical twins despite the resemblance in looks, they will always have different characteristics that makes them different. I dont know what I can say to convince you but being different is the best way to go and it will be very rewarding
Dont follow the crowd, Stand out of the crowd. Be a trend setter and not a follower.
#ChooseDifferent #LiveYourPurpose #YouAreCreatedDifferent.